One more week!

Today is... Wednesday the 19:th january. A little less than three months to go! Imagine, not even three full months! Yeeahhhhjjj!!! =D People are coming and going.. It is hard, you become friends with some of them and then they leave... It is sad. Our two sweet nuring students Mirijam and Wendy from Holland leaves this week. That is really sad, they have been two little shining lights! I wish them all the best, and I know they will turn out excellent nurses...

So what has happend since last time? Just the normal, I guess. Some bad things, some good things. A lot of children passed through our E.R.  I have some statistics! =) Not from me, but from the hospital.. In december m2010, we had 715 admissions (that means only children). And of them, only 15 deaths! That is only 2 %, and everyone says that is extraordinary, and an impossibly low death rate! And a big reason to this is our project... =) It feels really strange, and off course good, but strange as well.. That you actually CAN make a difference, just the way you are. I never thought I would be a part of something like this... =)

Yesterday I assisted on a skin graft (or more observed). A skin graft is when they move skin from one part of the body to another to cover a wounded area. It was very interesting! They took like a giant epilator (and ladies, you know how pleasent they are...! (not!!)...) and just shaved the skin off.. Ick! I'm glad the patient was asleep.
Hehe but before he wasa given the anasteashia, he asked me to marry him! =) hehe! He told the clinician thay I was beautiful and could be his wife. I thank him so much for the offer, and told him that unfortunately I was allready married.... ;)

Well, what else can I say... I feel better, the grass is green... decapiteted some more snakes...the bugs keep on coming.. oh yeah.. One morning i woke up, looking up at a scorpio. Inside my bed net. Must have been there all night, cause I tuck the net in under the matress when I sleep...(might have forgotten though..) Luckliy, they are not deadly. Just poisonous.  Anyway. I looked at it for awhile, deciding if it fall down on my head if I tried to move... Then I took the chance, and Link came in and we could get it out... I drowned it in soap... (Maybe I can write two books after this! Not just future best seller "100 ways of opening a bottle of Fanta", but also future pulitzer prize winner "100 ways to kill a bug"....?)

Anyway, I can hear work is coming.... Better go to the ER.


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