Concerning insects.. and immigration!
5 september
5 days til Christians arrival!! =D It feels like a visit from another planet... I looked at the monkeys in the garden today, and I didn''t really react. And suddenly it hit me that I got used to them. They were no longer that special. So I started thinking about everything I see here everyday.. Women carrying water on the head, smiling, dirty children in torn apart clothes, men biking on old fashioned bikes with five alive goats tied to the back of the bike... Little boys selling dried mice on stick along the road.. And I remembered how I reacted to everything in the beginning. Will Christian, when he comes, he will see things the way I sae them when I came, and I might react to his reactions... It will for sure be fun and interesting! =)
Concering Insects.. As I wrote yesterday didn't the preymantis scare the shit out of me as I had expected. I actually managed to lift it up on a piece of paper. I actually considered it to be a beautiiful creature. And I looked at some grasshoppers today, and i could even touch one! Without freaking out. But they have lovely colours, and they look cute. The insects at home are more.. zombie-like, ugly and scary.. And you know what? A few nights ago a big cochroach fell down on my head when I was lying in bed. It had been hiding inside the mosquito net! Ok, I admit, I freaked out a little, but not at all as much as I would have done three moonths ago. I didn't even fall out of the bed. I caught it with a towel and throw it out, with the purpose to let him out in the garden, nopt to kill him. But then I accidentaly dropped a book on him so he died... that wasn't my plan, but... well. Well well.
But no matter what progress I made here, spider still is out of the question to consider as cute. They are even worse here than home, big and hairy and long disgusting legs... Ick!
Oh and I forgot to tell you, Immigration FINALLY decided to accept our papers. But while we where in the office, we actually saw a guy giving a bribe. No money was supposed to be paid in that office, all payment was done in another room. But we saw him giving money, trying to be discrete. Bah. That what they waited for us to do. Anyway, we could leave our application. But is was a little bit funny, we first got a stamp that the papers where correct. Then we went to the other room to pay, and got a receipt and a stamp that we had paid. Than we had to go to another room, where they looked at the receipt, and then they gave us another receipt that confirmed that we had a reciept. And off course new stamps. Then we went back to the first office, where we got another stamp, and finally we could GO! Wohooo!!! We will probobly never get the working permit, it takes almost a year to get it after sending in an application. But anyway, we have done what we can.
Hur är det med dina favoritdjur harkrankarna där nere...:)