4 September! Wedding.
4 september
Today we attended a wedding! It was Maxwell, a nurse at pediatric ward, and Joyce, a patient attendant at surgical ward. It started at 6 am (real time: 8:45. Always add at least two hours if a malawian asks you to be somewhere at a certain time. Otherwise you will have to wait. A lot...!)
Everyone danced in to the chruch, first kids in beautiful dresses, and then the brides maids. Dnacing and singing! It was really beautiful. Then the bride came in, danccing. And half way through the church, the groom started dancing from the other side of the corridore. And they met in the middle and joined each others hand and kept on dancing all the way up to the priest together. It was really really nice, both me and Link got tears in our eyes! I also want to!!!!
Actually a guy proposed to me today. I told him that I was married. And then he said ”But I would like to give you a baby! Do you want?” So I said NO, not from you. Then we had a long, but intresting discussion about wether I should have his babies or not. I told him, ”I love my husband, and I only want his babies” and he said ”Why?” and me: ”What do you mean why?” him: ”I mean, why his babies, not mine??” Me: ”Cause I love him, and I am MARRIED to him” He: ”Why?”
Gaa! Haha! I told him that Christian is coming next week, and than he said Ok, and asked if we could be in love when he left. Oh my God.
What else? The projectis going better and better. We had a good but difficult discussion with our colleagues a few days ago. We discussed some things, and I think we reach a good agreement. Now all of them are helping out down in reception, to triage the patients and stabilize the really sick ones. And that is really good, and needed. Almost every day we find someone, mostly small babies, waiting in line that are actually dying, or close to be. Many babies suffer from so many different thing, very many suffers from malnutrion combined with HIV and Malaria. We have a lot of babies with measles, the measles epidemy is still going strong, and we can't reallly see any signs of it to end. The epudemy might be caused because of a miss in the vaccinations a few years ago. Everyone here have to take measles vaccine againg now, because many that where told they got it when they were little, didn't actually get it. So now we have an epidemy that kills a lot of people. That is something to think about at home, where many people are refusing vaccines. Without vaccines, sweden and norway would still havev a lot of problems with... for example maybe polio, tbc, measles etc. What if someone could make a vaccin for HIV? Wow. That we make a whole new start for africa.
A sad case in medical ward: 18 year old girl came in. Her husband belonged to the Zion-cult i told you about earlier. The girl was pregant, but she got sick from measles, and the baby died. Her husband, who due to Zion, refused medical care, refused her to go to hospital. So nothing where done. She kept on being 7 months pregnant, with a dead baby. And seriously ill from measles.. Finally, she in one way or another, made it to the hospital in secret. She got help and treatment, but it was to late... She died 24 hours after admission.. It is a very tragic story. And it is not the only one. This is as I said before a completely different world.