Lake of Stars <3
Can life be better?
This must have been the best weekend in my life (or at least one of them). Everyone that know me, knows about my passion for festivals. The freedom, the relexed feeling, the friendship.. The hippe-like atmosphere. Just wonderful! And here in Malawi, at the Lake of Stars festival (which is supposed to be the biggest in africa), I found the Perfect festival!
Not to much people, and everyone who where there was happy and relaxed. No fighting, no problems at all. Just happy people. swimming, listening to the bands, chatting, drinking, smoking, releaxing! There was only two scenes, one big and one small. They were both located straight on the beach! I've never had a better festival feeling! Mostly it was reggae music, and the whole festival was kind of reggae-inspired. Extremely nice!
First night i slept in our tent at a lodge close by. The second night, I didn't sleep at all. Or a little, when a nice friend offered me his tent. The thing was that the other girls wanted to go home, and they took the car. So me and Link stayed at the festival. But it was just lovely! I slep for two hours on the beach, but it was quite cold so I covered myself with sand and made a temporary tent out of my towel and my skirt. It was very comfortable! then i woke up again around 2 or 3 pm. And i danced with Link and met a lot of wonderful people!! =) Then I decided to go home to the tent. That was located 15 km away. Not a good plan. So, a friend of mine convinced me to take his tent on the beach at the festival area, while he slept outside. The tent was miniature!! I could hardly fit in. It was really the smallest tent i've ever seen. The funny thing is that the guy who borrowed it to me, was 2 metres tall! And he always slept in that tent. I don't get it...;)
I think I slept for an hour or two. Then I sat outside, looking at the sunrise. soft reggae music in the air. Vervet monkeys running around playing right next to me. Wonderful, Wonderful feeling.
And i made two new friends I would like to tell you about! =)
The first one, Pete, was a dutch guy who travells from cape town to cairo (from the south of south africa to the north of egypt).He was the one who borrowed me his tent. He is around 40, is married and has three sons. But he travels alone. He has all he need in a backpack, and he gets around by hitch hiking. He has no real plan of when he is going back to holland, just when he is finished. We met him in blantyre as well, and he hitch hiked with us to lilongwe. So I was very glad to see him again at the lake of stars. And we bacame very good friends. We were laying in the sand for about 24 hours, just talking and discussing about nothing and everything. Life, death, movies, music, food, his family, my family, politics, philosophy.. religion... everything! He had a passion for Lars Von Tries movies, so I think we ended up discussing his movies for hours. He had some really intersting points I've never thought about, and I had the same. We had a great connection, it was really really nice, and this really proves that you can make very good friends with people that are very unlike your self. Age, back ground, everything can be completely different. It is so nice, a few times in your life you meet people that you just feel like you known your whole life. This was one of those times. Maybe you will never meet those people again, but you will still always remember them. I am really glad I met Pete.
The other friend I met, was also someone I will never forget! His name was Peanut, and he was a 1 week old baby vervet monkey! His mother had died right after giving birth to him, and a nice old lady took care of him. She was carrying him around, and he was the most adorable thing I've seen in my whole life! I held him for a long time, and he grabbed my hair and wouldn't let go. He looked like a little prematura human baby (with fur) and he sucked his tumb. Just like a human baby! God, i could have spent the rest of my life holding him.Me and little peanut <3
And talking about friends <3 My very good friend Jenny is soon coming to visit me!!! =D =D =D Im really looking forwaed to it. It will be sooo nice!!!! =D Jippiiiiiiii!!!
Internet is as of now pretty slow..Tried to upload more pics from the festival, but it failed... Will try again tomorrow. Tired now, sleeping needed.
Good night everyone!! =)
*Miss you Christian..Love you!*
Yes I am!!!! Can't wait! :D !!
När åker du, jenny...? Vi kanske kan skicka med något till Mygg...Marabou mjölkchoklad t.ex..:)/Renée
Jag åker 26/10!
Klart att jag kan ta med lite saker till henne, chokladen var självskriven även på min lista över "MÅSTE ta med till Mygg" ;)
Låter fint, förutom att reggae-musik suger. ;-P
Jag skickade en chokladkaka i mitt paket, men det har nog inte kommit fram än... dock inte marabou, valde en lite tåligare mörk choklad.
En sån där liten apa kanske man skulle adoptera istället för att skaffa små dumma människorbarn:)