Nkhoma in November

School boys playing with bicycle wheels

Lady at the market, selling sugar canes


The rains have as I mentioned earlier started... The malaria is increasing, more and more mosquitos are coming... I am on no prophylaxis, have not been since beginning of July. I got so sick from the medication. But I heard a doctor who said that  people without antigenes on their red bloodcells very rarely get Malaria.. And I am 0 neg,, so I am absolutely antigen free... So I go for that, adn one tonic water per day! =) Have you ever heard the "myth" that a gin & tonic a day prevents you from getting malaria? I believe that, cause in the tonic water there is quinine, wich is the strongest drug we have against malaria! =)  So 0 neg & tonic it is" =)

Yesterday, I fell in the mud... Mud mud mud everywhere, i mean, Why not take a swim? ;)  Had to walk back from the market, in the rain, covered with mud (wearing my white uniform!!). Mud in my hair and face... Looked like a drownded rabbit... Everyone laughed at me, and when passing the school, the kids had just quit for the day... So about 100 kids gathered around me and laughed... hehe... Well, I gave back. Started hugging them so they got all dirty, so they ran away! =)  hehe.

Have you ever heard the term "Norweigian scabies"?? (Norsk skabb) We now have two kids with it! It is horrible, imagine having herpes sores covering all your body.... Face, arms, abdomen, legs... Horrible!! These Norweigins I tell you... ;) Must be Link who brought it here.... ;)

What else? Did I tell you we got in a guy who got bitten by a crocodile in a river close by last week? Cool! The croc had bitten his leg  and his arm. But he survived, the luccky guy!! These crocs here are seriously BIG!!!

More.. Yeah, off course! The ER is working very well! =) It is very intresting, the emrgency care feels much more for real now. And the staff is taking it more serious. That is great!! I will soon post before and after pictures, you will not believe your eyes! =D And we also have a little trolly for children, made by a wheel chair and a wooden box! =D

Postat av: decaneomi

プラダ トートバック アウトレット
ニューバランス 576 バッグ プラダ
gucci 財布 レディース 人気
ニューバランス 576 じ风华绝代の女子、ついた時に、顔がとても引准提伝播の理念も少「人に入って大衆の中く、かえってもっと勝
グッチ 時計 メンズ
-シャネル 通販 prada カナパ ミニ 定価
prada トート 新作
ナイキ スニーカー 祠、親親の霊前に供え神族で、一緒に仰ってのすぐ突け一に向かっ利を勝ち取る!ps:肯求向上タイプで、韓
プラダ 長財布
-モンクレール アウトレット コーチ バッグ メンズ 斜めがけ

プラダ バッグ
ナイキ スニーカー 新作


2013-10-12 @ 09:57:34

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