29 juni
I stepped in something soft and sticky... It got stuck under my foot. I really hope that it was a piece of tomato... But I really can't tell. We have a black out here (As usual) so it's completely dark. And I don't want to look to close actually. I don't know what a piece of tomato would be doing hanging around on the floor beside my bed anyway... So probobly it was not tomato. But for my mental health I decide to believe in the unlikely conclusion that it was a tomato.
By the way there are a lot of maggots and bugs crawling around on the floor here. Not suggesting that has anything to do with what is now under my foot.... But anyway, enough about that.
Right now, I am frustrated. I am sick, have a bad cough and a running nose. We have no electricity. No electricity = no internet at the hosspital.......Also the telephone line is not working so I can't recieve or send messages or phonecalls. Been like that for days now. So frustrating. The culture schock is easier to handle if it's possible to connect with family and friends at home... But now.. aaargh..... Maybe have to do things tha old fashioned way. Sending real life mails instead of emails... Maybe perfumed letters for Christian... ;) I know that Christian sent me some thing from norway, and that my mother sent me a package from sweden... Looking forwayd every day to get them! =) Hope they'll come soon. But I guess I should be happy If I recieve them before christmas.... Naaa now I'm negative. Just frustrated today, sorry.
Also frustration at work. Patients die from things they shouldn't have to die from.... Easy things. But there are not enough equippment here. For example, we might have patients with oxygen level below 60 % (must be over 90...) but cannot do anything because there are only three oxygenmaschines in the entire hospital, and they are occupied... Had a woman with oxygen under 50 yesterday. Almost dying, hypoxic and confused... We had to move one of the others. But then the one we moved dropped down in oxygen level.... It is just terrible. Like choosing between who to save and who to not save....
To tired now, need to sleep.... Good night.