Last night in Bergen... =(

...until april 2011.
Its a long time. Its hard to describe the feelings I have right now... Im sad, nervous, anxious, happy, tired, curious... How will we be met? What will people think about us? Will they like us? Our new colleagues... How are they? What are their preconceptions and expectations?
And right now... I feel a lot of sadness... because I have said good bye to a lot of people these days..
Christian...Ann-helen.. Kari... Per... Kaja...Sine... everyone! You mean so much to me!! What would I do without you guys In Bergen??? Had a wonderful evening with Kari, Kaja, Sine, Christian and Sines friend Anne tonight! Barbecue in Nygårdsparken... Goos weather! Looking forward to next summer!
And My cat Tolouse... I hope Ann Helen will feed him well so he gets fat and happy! =) Then he will come live with me when I get back home!
But I am also extremly happy to go, and full of expectations and questions...
I hope my idea of a videoblog will work.. =)
Tomorrow (or today, actually..) The adventure starts!!
Now Im going to bed, to try to get some sleep and to give Christian a big hug... I will miss you everyday!!
See you in MALAWI! =D
P.S Im going to the Malawian winter. Approximately 17-20 C*.... Oooo so Cold! ;);) Maybe I should bring my skiing equipment...?? D.S


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