Nsima cooking and new uniform! (And Links birthday!!) =)

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to Link who turns 29 today! =D Hipp hipp hurra!!!

And to my english readers... If I have any(?) could you give me a comment? Otherwise I wll start writing in swedish i think... ;) To make it easier for my dear swedes who might not understand english... ;)

What has happend since last time?? To far between the internet times..... ;)

Saturday I attended a traditional wedding! IT was really nice, the bride was beautiful and everybody danced all the time. Most of the time it was all about people throwing money att the newly  married, to helt them start their family. and everyone who gave money had to dance, hehe... ;) It was quit fun!

On Sunday i visited a friend of mine in her home. Her name is Tivious and she lives in a little house with her husband and their daughter christina. she cooked Nsima with meat stew on burning charcole. She actually took the burning cole in her hands without making a sound.. Aaa you should see these women here! The malawian women seriously don't feel pain, or they have really learned to control it.  You should see the labourward in the hospital. None of the women makes a sound while giving birth. Not even the first timers. They just bite their cheeks together and delivers a baby. That's so cool.  I told them, that at home everyone SCREAMS out loud. And they couldn't stop laughing..

 TiviousTivious making Nzima =)

And I was "helping" ;)

AND I have a new nursing uniform!! =D Norway, sweden, read  and weap... Our uniforms here are so LOVELY! Skirts and dresses, nice little hats and epilets! =)  At home we dress in... pyjamas!! There is nothing wrong with looking nice at work! You don't have to be ugly to be professional =)

Now she 7 pm, and im knocking of from work. going home to celebrate Links birthday with pizza and cake!!! NICE!

Mogonebwiono! =) (goodnight!)

Postat av: Renée

Ja, det var en tjusig dress..:) Ta med en hem och föreslå ett byte på Haraldsplass...:)

2010-08-03 @ 20:10:45
Postat av: Renée

De malawiska kvinnorna är verkligen tuffa...

2010-08-03 @ 22:31:10
Postat av: Jenny

Nu lönade det sig ju att du inte köpte den där sjuksköterskeuniformen på Schock, för det gjorde du aldrig va? Stilig uniform verkligen:) Håller absolut med dig, fattar inte varför man måste se ut som en tråkig kärring, typ som patienterna i pyjamasmodellen, trista svenskar och norrmän!

2010-08-04 @ 19:30:22

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