African Days
Wisdom of the month (came up with this myself actually!):
"critisize in private, and appreciate in public"
Nice, huh? Only you have to know about you're bad sides, but it is good for everyone to know each others good sides. Even dogs are human, and need to shower from time to time! =) Spot has now been washed with anit-tick and anti-flee shampoo! =) He was not very happy about it, but he didn't protest either.. =)
Love <3
Ngairi at the lab told med that Spot is a pure border collie! =) He is the sweetest dog ever.. I will miss him most of all here when I go back home... I wish I could bring him. But I guess he would not like to walk in a leech, or to live in a apartment... He is used to have all the freedom he wants. And also, He has (at least) one wife and (at least) one puppy here =) So I guess I can't make his pup(s?) orphans... =)
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Well, I can tell you that I am actually exhausted. Worked a lot the last days, and I took an extra shift this sunday. It was very busy, I was in chrage of the ward and many patients where very sick. I wokred 7 am til 7 pm, without lunnchbreak, because I spent my lunchbreak in an ambulance with a very sick man... But it's ok, I kind of
like it when it's busy.
so we take care of the patients before and after surgery. Most of the patients are woman who have had a ceaserian section. Thats quite nice, the babies are so cute and there are a lot of laughter. everyday startswith some morning paryers, we sing and those who can stand up and claps their handss or maybe dances a little. It's very nice. But surgiical is also a very sad ward. there are many woman who loses their baby in theater.. Right now we have three who's babies died just after delivery. On of them also had a ruptured uterus, so they had to remove it. She is young, her baby died and she has no longer the possibility to get children... It's very sad. And they have to share the same room as everyone else, and see the healthy babies everywhere.. It must be torture. But one thing that makes a big impression on me, is their ability to recover. This girl whose uterus ruptured, for example. She was in theater on sunday, baby dead, no more uterus etc... And today, thuesday, she was laughing. She was laughing at me because I tried to speak chichewa with her, and it must have sounded very funny... So she was acutally laughing. And I'm so impressed, I don't think a woman who jsut gone through something like that would ever be ablee to be happy again... at least not for a veeeery long time. So thats quite amazing.
Tomorrow is wednesday. This means church-day! =) Every thuesday we have to be in church at 7 am til 8.30 am. It is actually very nice. The preacher is do funny, he dances and sings, and sometimes other staff members rises up and starts dancing as well. Im not christian, but I must say I enjoy going to church here. Link took a little movie, but unfortunately it wasn't possible to put it on the blogg...
Yesterday we had a very nice barbecue at a house up in the "djungel" ;). One of our dutch friends, Gervim, went home to holland today, so it was kind of a good bye dinner. We'll miss our eye candy!!
Right now we are out of water in the house.... after they installed the hot water geyser (YES!!! We are now proud owners of HOT WATER!!!! WOHOOO!!!) something went wrong (we think) so now there is no water at all.. And there where no electricity the whole day. It disappered at 6 am. But we called Justice, as always our guardian angel, at 5 pm and he came and fixed it! =) So now it's only the water.. but well, well... Pangono, pangono as they say in Malawi. Take it easy, hakuna matata! We'll survive ;)
I also got a nice malawian nurse uniform today! =D so now I look like a lady instead of a... body bag as I usually do at work. The uniforms here are sooo nice., Why can't we have uniforms like that at home??? They are nice, pretty, feminine and yet classy, so it's not sexy. Ooo I wish we didn't have to be so "unisex" all the time at home....
I'm now allocated at the surgical ward, so we take care of the patients before and after surgery. Most of the patients are woman who have had a ceaserian section. Thats quite nice, the babies are so cute and there are a lot of laughter. everyday startswith some morning paryers, we sing and those who can stand up and claps their handss or maybe dances a little. It's very nice. But surgiical is also a very sad ward. there are many woman who loses their baby in theater.. Right now we have three who's babies died just after delivery. On of them also had a ruptured uterus, so they had to remove it. She is young, her baby died and she has no longer the possibility to get children... It's very sad. And they have to share the same room as everyone else, and see the healthy babies everywhere.. It must be torture. But one thing that makes a big impression on me, is their ability to recover. This girl whose uterus ruptured, for example. She was in theater on sunday, baby dead, no more uterus etc... And today, thuesday, she was laughing. She was laughing at me because I tried to speak chichewa with her, and it must have sounded very funny... So she was acutally laughing. And I'm so impressed, I don't think a woman who jsut gone through something like that would ever be ablee to be happy again... at least not for a veeeery long time. So thats quite amazing.
I also learn a lot of post-op. care. That's really good, 'cause I've almost never had surgical patients before.
Tomorrow is wednesday. This means church-day! =) Every thuesday we have to be in church at 7 am til 8.30 am. It is actually very nice. The preacher is do funny, he dances and sings, and sometimes other staff members rises up and starts dancing as well. Im not christian, but I must say I enjoy going to church here. Link took a little movie, but unfortunately it wasn't possible to put it on the blogg...
Yesterday we had a very nice barbecue at a house up in the "djungel" ;). One of our dutch friends, Gervim, went home to holland today, so it was kind of a good bye dinner. We'll miss our eye candy!!
Right now we are out of water in the house.... after they installed the hot water geyser (YES!!! We are now proud owners of HOT WATER!!!! WOHOOO!!!) something went wrong (we think) so now there is no water at all.. And there where no electricity the whole day. It disappered at 6 am. But we called Justice, as always our guardian angel, at 5 pm and he came and fixed it! =) So now it's only the water.. but well, well... Pangono, pangono as they say in Malawi. Take it easy, hakuna matata! We'll survive ;)
I also got a nice malawian nurse uniform today! =D so now I look like a lady instead of a... body bag as I usually do at work. The uniforms here are sooo nice., Why can't we have uniforms like that at home??? They are nice, pretty, feminine and yet classy, so it's not sexy. Ooo I wish we didn't have to be so "unisex" all the time at home.... Blood spattered! =) Me and doctor Hector after big, abdominal sugery.